近日,美国芝加哥菲尔德自然史博物馆的科研人员在不摘掉裹尸布的情况下,窥见了古埃及木乃伊棺材内部的样貌,并由此发现了木乃伊身份的新细节,以及古埃及人是如何为来世做准备的。 现代快...
Much of the water was squeezed out of the graphene sandwich by thevan der Waals force. The remainder was trapped in pockets less than a millionth of a meter across. “We did not know at first what we were seeing, and only in discussion with our Man...
美国著名作家雷蒙德·钱德勒(Raymond Chandler)以写作“硬汉派”风格的推理小说而闻名。近日,文学杂志《斯特兰德》(The Strand Magazine)在最新一期刊发了这位“硬汉”小说家写于1955年...
1.5 Causal Graphs as an Introduction to the Remainder of the Book 29 II Counterfactuals, Potential Outcomes, and Causal Graphs 2 Counterfactuals and the Potential Outcome...
(ECNS) -\- In a two-story dwelling in Shangri-La City, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Southwest China's Yunnan Province, 86-year-old Zhuma Yangzong recalled her jou...
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